Date, Coconut & Cacao Bars
After a 3 month sugar glut from October to December which includes birthdays, Halloween, more birthdays and then Christmas, come January the kids have enough sugar and e- numbers inside them to take down North London.
The difficulty is not taking them off refined sugar for a limited period of time, its finding creative and healthy ways to satisfy them and not make it feel like an endurance test. You cannot chop sugar out completely; that’s impossible. However, you can find treats which have better ingredients containing natural sweeteners and raw ingredients without all the refined crap thrown in.
These brownie”esque” bars are a great way to please everyone and won’t be enjoyed for a limited time only; they will be made very often given how quickly they disappeared. I brought a giant bag of Organic raw cacao powder (as seen in the pic) for £4.99 from Costco but its sold all over the place.
- Line a 20x20cm tin with baking paper.
- Put the dates, cacao, coconut,sunflower seeds and date syrup into a blender and whizz until smooth, scraping down the sides as you go.
- Tip the mixture into the lined tin and press down firmly (clean hands best for this).
- Sprinkle over the extra tablespoon of coconut, cover with cling film and chill for 10 minutes in the fridge.
- Cut into squares and enjoy. (Best stored in fridge).